
来源: 医药翻译/yiyaofanyi

Canadian researchers have completed an international randomized controlled trial showing that a clot retrieval procedure, known as endovascular treatment (ET), can dramatically improve patient outcomes after an acute ischemic stroke. The study, led by researchers at the University of Calgary's Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI), shows a dramatic improvement in outcomes and a reduction in deaths from stroke.


The results of this study were published in the Feb. 11 online edition of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

这项研究成果发表在211日网页版的 《新英格兰医学杂志》上 ( NEJM )

Overall, positive outcomes for patients increased from 30 per cent to 55 per cent. In many cases, instead of suffering major neurological disability, patients went home to resume their lives. The overall mortality rate was reduced from two in 10 patients for standard treatment of care to one in 10 patients -- a 50 per cent reduction with ET.

总体来说,接受ET治疗后产生积极结果的患者从30%上升到55%。在许多病例中,患者可以回家重新开始他们的生活,而不是继续饱受神经系统残疾之苦。 总体死亡率也从治疗护理的标准死亡率20%下降到了10%。也就是说,通过血管内治疗减少了50%的死亡率。

"This is the most significant and fundamental change in acute ischemic stroke treatment in the last 20 years. These results will impact stroke care around the world," says Dr. Michael Hill, the senior author of the study, professor in the Cumming School of Medicine's departments of clinical neurosciences, and radiology and a neurologist with the Calgary Stroke Program of Alberta Health Services (AHS).


The clinical trial, known as ESCAPE (Endovascular treatment for Small Core and Anterior circulation Proximal occlusion with Emphasis on minimizing CT to recanalization times), shows there is a marked reduction in both disability and death among patients who receive ET for acute ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke is caused by a sudden blockage of an artery to the brain that deprives the brain of critical nutrients, such as glucose and oxygen. Currently, the international standard of care based on Canadian, U.S. and European guidelines is to administer a drug called tPA when appropriate. Known as a 'clot buster', the drug dissolves the blood clot.

一个名为ESCAPE的临床试验显示,接受ET治疗的缺血性中风患者残疾和死亡人数显著减少。 缺血性中风是由于大脑动脉突发性阻塞而导致大脑的关键营养物的丧失,如葡萄糖和氧气等。 目前, 依据加拿大,美国和欧洲的方针制定的护理国际标准,是在合适的时候给病人施用一种名为tPA的药物。这种药物可以溶解血液凝块,被称为凝块克星

In the ESCAPE trial, 316 patients who fit the criteria for ET and arrived for treatment within 12 hours of their stroke were randomized to standard medical care (which included the clot-busting drug tPA where appropriate) or standard medical care plus ET.


ET is performed by inserting a thin tube into the artery in the groin, through the body, and into the brain vessels to the clot. This is done under image-guided care using an X-ray. The clot is then removed by a retrievable stent and pulled out, restoring blood flow to the brain.


Endovascular treatments were first developed in the 1990s, but ET has only recently been technically possible. The ESCAPE team says the success of the trial can be credited to very fast treatment and the use of brain and blood vessel imaging. In ESCAPE, researchers were on average two hours faster in opening the blocked blood vessels than in previously reported trials.

血管内治疗方法在1990年代首次被开发,但最近才在技术上实现可能。EASCAPE团队认为实验的成功可以归功于快速治疗和大脑及血管成像的使用。 在EASCAPE实验中,研究人员打开阻塞血管的速度比之前报道的实验平均快了两小时。

"Key reasons for the success of the trial were, firstly, selecting appropriate patients using novel imaging technology; secondly, better organization and workflow to expedite treatment; and thirdly, use of modern technology to open the blood vessels," says Dr. Mayank Goyal, professor of radiology and clinical neurosciences at the Cumming School of Medicine, co-principal investigator of the ESCAPE trial and first author on the publication, and lead interventional neuroradiologist on the ESCAPE trial. He performs the procedure at Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, Alberta. "We believe that with the combined results from this trial and other trials, this will become the standard of care."

Cumming医学院放射学和临床神经学教授,ESCAPE实验的副首席科学家以及第一个正式出版的作者,介入性神经系放射学家,博士Mayank Goyal说:试验成功的关键因素有三,首先,选择合适的患者使用新型成像技术;其次,更好的组织和工作流来加快治疗;第三,使用现代科技打开血管,他在阿尔伯塔省卡城的山麓医学中心演示了实验的过程并表示: 我们相信,通过这次试验结果同其他试验结果的结合,这种疗法将成为标准治疗。

ESCAPE is the second ET trial that demonstrates the efficacy of the treatment and the first trial to demonstrate reduced mortality. The previous trial, known as MR. CLEAN (Multi center Randomized Clinical trial of Endovascular treatment for Acute ischemic stroke in the Netherlands), was published in December 2014.

ESCAPE是第二个血管内治疗试验,它证明了这种疗法的有效性,并且第一个证明了该疗法能够降低死亡率。之前的实验,被称为清洁先生(在荷兰治疗急性缺血性中风的血管内治疗的多中心随机临床试验),于 201412月发表。

"This breakthrough has the potential to improve the lives of the 15 million people who suffer strokes worldwide each year," says Ed McCauley, PhD, vice-president (research), University of Calgary. "University of Calgary researchers have been transforming health outcomes for close to 50 years now, and the work of Drs. Michael Hill, Mayank Goyal, and Andrew Demchuk will improve the quality of life for Albertans, Canadians and people around the world."

这项突破将有助于改善全世界每年1500万中风患者的生活埃德麦考利说, 卡尔加里大学的博士及副校长(研究)卡尔加里大学的研究人员致力于转变中风患者的治疗结果研究将近50年之久,同Drs. Michael HillMayank Goyaland Andrew Demchuk一起工作也将改善艾伯塔,加拿大,乃至世界各地的人们的生活质量。

"This remarkable achievement by the HBI Stroke Team is a shining example of brain research at its very best," says Samuel Weiss, PhD, HBI Director and leader of the University of Calgary's Brain and Mental Health strategy. "Our vision of 'Healthy Brains for Better Lives' has taken a giant leap forward."

“HBI中风研究团队的这项非凡成就无疑是大脑研究中最耀眼的一个例子,塞缪尔维斯说, HBI主席,卡尔加里大学大脑和心理健康策略组织的领导。 我们对 健康的大脑,更好的生活的憧憬又向前迈出了跳跃性的一大步。

While research is improving outcomes, doctors still want patients to know the warning signs and symptoms of stroke.


"Many stroke treatments work only if administered in a set period of time. Many patients don't get to the hospital in time. With stroke, when removing the clot with this new treatment, every minute matters," says Dr. Andrew Demchuk, another ESCAPE co-principal investigator and leader of both the Stroke Program at Foothills Medical Centre and the HBI Stroke Team. "If patients have facial drooping, arm weakness or speech difficulty, they need to call 9-1-1 immediately."

许多中风治疗只有在规定的时间内管理才会奏效, 但许多患者无法及时赶到医院。对中风患者而言,用新疗法去除血凝块的的时候,每一分钟都很重要,” Andrew Demchuk博士说,另一位ESCAPE的副首席科学家,HBI中风团队和山麓医疗中心中风计划的领导人。 如果患者面部下垂,手臂无力或讲话困难,那么他们需要立即呼叫9-1-1

The study included 22 sites worldwide and patients in the U.S., U.K., Ireland and South Korea. Canada had 11 participating hospitals and enrolled two-thirds of the patients.

这项研究包括全球22个站点,以及来自美国、英国 、爱尔兰和韩国的患者。 加拿大有11所参与研究的医院,并已登记注册了三分之二的病人。

In addition to being published online, the results of this landmark study will be published in the March 19 print edition of NEJM and presented at the American Heart Association's International Stroke Conference in Nashville, Tenn.

除了在网上公布,这一具有里程碑意义的研究成果将还发表在319NEJM 的印刷版上,并在田纳西州的纳什维尔,美国心脏协会举办的国际中风会议上进行演说展示。