灵麦快讯第127期 皮肤领域项目接洽 就在下周Chinabio, 约不约?

来源: 灵麦医药/Lingmed








1.      银屑病全球市场将稳步增长,据华尔街金融界权威预测2022年将达170亿美金(EvaluatePharma)

2.      欧洲创新研发公司,专注皮肤疑难杂症

3.      LMP1014产品在欧洲已上市3年,占据47%瑞典市场份额

4.      LMP1014在中国并拥有配方专利,受专利保护

据灵麦分析团队初步接洽,该公司将于下周参加位于珠海的ChinaBio,心动就赶快行动,瑞典研发公司期待与您相见!如需项目对接,请联系我们 info@lingmed.net 或登录 www.lingmed.net/reports 下载报告全文

Do you want to have a “date” with Lingmed at ChinaBio?Partnering asset in Dermatological area


This week, Lingmed shares with you an partnering asset indermatological area


Psoriasis is a common, recurrent and chronic inflammatoryskin disease, a kind of autoimmune disease. The prevalence of naturalpopulation is 1% -2%. Psoriasis can occur from birth to 90 years old with peakincidence at 15-30 years old.


According to EvaluatePharma, the global psoriasis marketis expected to reach 17 billion US dollars at 2022. Currently, ChinesePsoriasis patients with mild to moderate symptoms are mainly treated withtopical drugs, which are expected to reach 1 billion US dollars in 2019. Facedwith fierce competition, LMP1014 shows excellent performance. Patent has beengranted for USA, Australia, Russia, China, Japan and NZ.


LMP1014 Project Highlights:

1.      Steadyincreased Psoriasis market, which is expected to reach 17 billion US dollars byConsensus forecast (EvaluatePharma)

2.      InnovativeEuropean biotech company, focused on skin disease

3.      Have beenmarketed in European market for 3 years, occupying 47% market share

4.      Thepatented formulation has been granted in China

After initial contact by Lingmed, The company willparticipate in ChinaBio Conference at Zhuhai next week.

For detailed information or free partnering support,please contact us at  info@lingmed.net or visit www.lingmed.net/reports to download the full report.