
来源: 药时代/DrugSNS







  2016年8月,复星医药以12.6亿美元收购了印度制药商Gland Pharma,当时创下了中国药企最大一笔海外并购。9月,复星医药董事长陈启宇公开表示,公司正在物色海外市场的其他投资。路透分析,收购史达德也可能是复星医药海外拓展计划中的一部分。知情人还表示,最晚复活节(4月16日)之前要决定最终报价。

中国药企计划收购史达德的另一个版本来自彭博,消息称CVC资本和上海医药正协商联手参与竞购,两方是否合作将在下周决定。目前两家公司还未敲定联手以及收购报价,CVC同时也在与其他亚洲制药企业洽谈竞购相关事宜。若联手成功,CVC和上海医药将面临多个包括安宏资本在内的强劲联合对手,新加坡政府投资公司(GIC Pte)也有意向与安宏合作参与投资。


  10日,欧洲媒体Handelsblatt记者就复星医药参与竞购一事采访了史达德监事会主席Carl Ferdinand Oetker,他表示:“我现在才听说这个消息,但我们期待其他投资者的参与,不排除在此过程中其他投资者参与的可能。”







STADA is a publicly traded, international company with a focus on the healthcare market.

STADA Business Model

Focus on products with off-patent active pharmaceutical ingredients in the health care and pharmaceutical market


Generics (59% share in adjusted Group sales)

Branded Products (41% share in adjusted Group sales)

Strategic success factors

Orientation on long-term growth markets

Comprehensive portfolio of generics including selected biosimilars

Attractive-margin branded product portfolio with increased internationalization of successful brands

Strong product development including well-filled pipeline

Global sales structure with further internationalization potential

A focused acquisition policy

A functional organizational structure with close-to-market sales companies

Continuous cost optimization and efficient cost management

Excellent and committed employees

STADA Financial Year 2016

Reported Group sales increase by 1% to € 2.14 billion – Group sales adjusted for currency and portfolio effects increase by 3% to € 2.17 billion

Adjusted sales in the Generics segment increase by 3% to € 1,287.4 million

Adjusted sales in the Branded Products segment record growth of 4% to € 879.8 million – further expansion of the self-pay portfolio

Reported key earnings figures

Reported EBITDA records a decrease of 4% to € 361.5 million

Reported net income decreases by 22% to € 85.9 million

Adjusted key earnings figures

Adjusted EBITDA shows an increase of 2% to € 398.0 million

Adjusted net income grows by 7% to € 177.3 million

Strategic further development with numerous initiatives introduced to improve performance

Fundamental change to reporting structures carried out – management by operating segments

Successful product development with a total of 665 product launches

Selected value-enhancing acquisitions to strengthen the Branded Products and Generics segments

Significant growth in the STADA share price of 32%

Proposal to increase the dividend by 3% to € 0.72 per STADA share

STADA Outlook

Guidance for 2017

Group sales adjusted for currency and portfolio effects between € 2.280 billion and € 2.350 billion

Adjusted EBITDA between € 430 million and € 450 million

Adjusted net income between € 195 million and € 205 million

Ratio of net debt, excluding further acquisitions, to adjusted EBITDA at a level of nearly 3

Strategic outlook for 2019

Adjusted Group sales between € 2.650 billion and € 2.700 billion

Adjusted EBITDA between € 570 million and € 590 million

Adjusted net income between € 250 million and € 270 million

(Source: Stada website)
