麦肯锡深度分析报告 - 中国药品医院市场专题

来源: 灵麦医药/Lingmed


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2012年以来,MNCs在二级和三级医院的市场份额保持稳定,分别为27% 和35%。





2016年中国整体医药医院市场达到7340亿人民币,较2011年市场总额翻了一倍,但近几年增长率却逐年减少。2011年到2016年的年复合增长率为15%, 但2016年较2015年只有11%的增长率。年增长额趋于稳定,约为740亿人民币。


从城市角度看,2016年,二线和三线城市虽只有30%人口数和52%的GDP总量,却占据了整体医院市场的60%的市场份额。一线城市不仅只占市场份额比例小,2016年仅占总体市场的12%,且比2011年同比市场份额缩水3%。同时一线城市的市场增长率也与其他市场相比偏缓,CAGR仅10%。而三线城市却显示出不俗的增长率, 5年的年复合增长率达到17%,2016年市场总额更是较2011年翻了一倍以上。这可能是由于分级诊疗工作的影响,也展示出了不俗的市场潜力。



在样本医院中,销量前十的公司几乎大部分都是MNCs. 2016年的销量排名也几乎与2015年的相同。只有恒瑞和拜耳分别向上升了一个名次。销量前十的公司在三级医院中的市场份额约为22%,略高于二级医院的20%。而在二级和三级医院的比较中,我们不难发现,MNCs不论在二级或三级医院都有较稳定的名次,而国企表现却能一概而论。比如山东齐鲁药业,在三级医院排名第三,但在二级医院却掉到了第十。同样的,华润药业在二级医院市场排名第五,但在三级医院直接跌出榜单,排名第十五。



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CPA-McKinsey China Hospital Pharmaceuticals Report:

An In-depth Perspective

Key messages

China’s hospital pharmaceutical market

China’s overall hospital pharmaceutical market reached around RMB 734 billion in value in 2016. While year-on-year growth has continued to slow, it still grew at a healthy 11% in 2016. 

Class III hospitals account for 67% of total hospital pharmaceutical market sales, with a CAGR of 17% from 2011 to 2016, compared to 11% for the rest of the market.

Tier 2 and 3 cities represent 60% of total sales and are growing fastest at 16% . In contrast, Tier 1 cities are growing at a slower rate of 10% .

Innovative drugs market at a glance

The 24 innovative drugs launched in China between 2010 and 2012 grew at 27% per annum from 2013 to 2016, and reached RMB 4.4 billion annual revenue by 2016. The innovative drug market is heavily concentrated in Class III hospitals and Tier 1 and 2 cities. The top 3 brands, Avastin, Lucentis, and Conmana, account for approximately 70% of total innovative drug sales.

Hospital listing is critical for successful launch: “Leading launches” have achieved much faster hospital listing penetration as compared to “other launches” across city tiers. 

Clinical trials participation accelerate adoption of new therapies: Significantly better post launch performance of new drugs was observed in hospitals that were clinical trial sites during the registration process, indicating that physician participation in trials boosts their confidence in adopting new therapies post launch.

National price negotiation leads to significant volume increase yet revenue dropped: After significant price cuts from national negotiations, three pilot products – Viread, Iressa and Conmana – experienced an uptick in volume but a decline in revenue in the first half of 2016 in CPA sample hospitals (Note: potential bias may exist due to sample hospital coverage).

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Biotechgate/博谷 - 全球创新药和器械产品收购和引进数据库

EvaluatePharma/预估医药 - 全球医药研发、销售、市场预估等竞争情报数据库


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