展会邀请 | Tridem Pharma与您相约法国巴黎Pharmagora博览会

来源: 复星医药/Fosunpharma

The whole Tridem Pharma team cordially invites you to join Pharmagora in Paris Porte de Versailles.

作为西非法语区第三大药品分销公司,复星医药成员企业Tridem Pharma将于2018年4月7日-8日亮相2018年法国巴黎Pharmagora博览会。

Tridem Pharma, A member of Fosun Pharma, the pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical product distribution expert in Africa, will be present at Pharmagora event in Paris Porte de Versailles from 7th to 8th April 2018.


届时,Tridem Pharma将结合自身在非洲法语区国家及地区成熟的销售网络和上下游客户资源,寻求多元的合作伙伴和机会,扩大非洲及欧洲市场,深耕国际化营销战略。

Pharmagora is an opportunity for Tridem Pharma to meet its wholesaler customers, its partners laboratories, new clients looking for expanding their business in Africa and Europeand new partners to develop its own brand all around the world.


展会现场还将迎来公司旗下药妆品牌VEGEBOM的全新亮相。VEGEBOM创立于1932年,并在同年登上了« Entirely Synthetic Era » 杂志,其产品质量和疗效广受好评。本次展会将会为大家带来丰富的实物展示以及全新的测试体验,欢迎您莅临展台观看现场演示和讲解,更可近距离了解与感受VEGEBOM的魅力。

At the same time, Tridem Pharma will show owns its brand VEGEBOM for the first time,which combine scientific rigour with its expertise in phyto-aromatherapy and develop high quality products. In 1932, when VEGEBOM was created, it was in the « entirely synthetic era ». VEGEBOM created for over three generations now a natural alternative to help fight against minor everyday health issues of the whole family. The brand is known and recognized by the medical community.


展会日期:2018年4月7日 17:30-19:00

Date: 17:30-19:00, April 7, 2018.



Address: exhibition centre, Versailles, Paris, France.


Booth No.: international trade center -- N09.



More information is available on the company's official website: www.Tridem-pharma.com.

 Tridem Pharma

Tridem Pharma 是西非法语区第三大药品分销公司,主要面向非洲法语区国家及法国海外属地开展医药产品出口分销业务,并在当地国家提供医药产品注册、药物安全警戒研究及医药产品推广等服务,拥有200余家批发商及约550人的专业销售队伍,5个海外办事处及覆盖法语区13个国家和地区(包括非洲国家和地区)销售网络。

As the third largest pharmaceutical distribution and promotion company in French-speaking Africa, Tridem Pharma primarily engages in the import distribution of pharmaceutical products and conducts business including pharmaceutical registration, pharmacovigilance research and promotion service in French-speaking African countries and French overseas territories. Tridem Pharma owns more than 200 pharmaceutical wholesale outlets and manages a professional sales team of nearly 550 people, covering 13 French speaking African countries and regions.

作为分销领域的专家,Tridem Pharma已逐渐成为制药公司和包括医生、药剂师、代理商、卫生部门在内的医疗保健机构之间的重要纽带。我们将充分利用公司高效的交互应答系统、多样化的核心竞争力,为您在撒哈拉以南地区产品出口保驾护航。

Tridem Pharma is claiming its position as an expert interface between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare players including prescribers, wholesalers, pharmacists and health ministries. Tridem Pharma acts as your ally throughout the export stages of products to Sub-Saharan Africa. Through its interactive response, its diverse complementary core competencies will give you guarantee sales success.


What is Pharmagora ?







1.The unmissable event of the year for health professionals (health professionals, laboratories, distributors,…)  in 2017

2.11,591 attendees et 330 exhibitors in 2017

3. 3 exhibition zones :

Help for the patient :  it focuses on specific pathologies with an educational objective to improve patient care in phamacies

Pharmacy development : it dedicates to the latest market innovations to give an opportunity to pharmacists to discover range of solutions and become even more competitive

International trading hub : it is a dedicated area where you will be able to meet all exhibitors looking to export their products or looking for a distributor in french speaking countries